Web Only Specials - Value Buys
Home Gardener
Essential foundation for all soil conditioning and general garden care
Promote healthier, more resilient plants and encourage earthworm activity.
Helps vegetables & herbs resist pest/diseases whilst improving post harvest shelf life.
A complete all-round fertiliser and conditioner promoting stronger growth and better flowering.
For planting, establishing and growing of native, wildlife-friendly gardens.
Improve flowering as well as as stimulating and enhancing fruiting.
For growing strong healthy plants that resist pests, disease and rotting.
Achieve a low maintenance, healthy, green lawn that will handle heavy foot traffic. All lawns, all year
Accelerate the break down of organic residue and return nutrients to the soil.
A practical guide to understanding, managing and using weeds
The lazy gardener’s guide to saving the Earth
A liquid N.P.K + Calcium. 1Lt concentrate makes up 200Lt ready to use.
I have been trying to grow roses for years now but to no avail. I have tried everything from specialty products through to all sorts of manures but the roses wouldn't grow. When I was in Rosemount Nursery, I purchased Garden Mate for my garden and to my surprise the roses have grown and bloomed like never before. The colours and fragrance is something to behold. I would certainly recommend this product to home gardeners.
My husband was really surprised how wonderful Lawn Blend and Garden Mate are in our Kikuyu lawn and hard clay soil. What a difference.
ONE TEASPOON GOES A LONG WAY! Ox Heart Tomatoes were not growing, started to pull them out and then decided to try Fabulous 335 on the remainder. They started to grow and ended up with heaps of large tomatoes and those plants are still producing. The corn has always had trouble with grubs on the cobs, no more such problems after using Fabulous, no more grubs and 2-3 cobs per stalk. The cucumbers have gone berserk, the spinach is growing like mad and the rockmelons are the best I have ever grown.
I am a sustainable gardening educator and garden consultant. My approach to gardening is to use fewer products, therefore I was hesitant to try a new product. Garden Mate proved to be a wonderful discovery for me, This one product is safe and highly effective in EVERY garden situation and in ALL soil types. Even better it replaces so many other products. I can now help clients to create amazing supercharges gardens which are organic and supporting strong natural plant growth with just one product. Garden Mate is an amazing soil conditioner, being far more effective than gypsum, lime, dolomite and negating the need for all other garden additives. With 60 different minerals and 30 different soil microbes, you can be absolutely sure that whatever you are growing, Garden Mate will help it grow stronger, bigger, more flowers, better flavour. Stronger plants means less need for pest and disease control. The outcome is a fabulous garden without the need for so many other products, Whatever the problem, apply Garden Mate. The bigger the problem, the more you can put on, it will do no harm, only more good. no need to ba an expert to have a glorious garden!
I love Garden delight. As a fanatical plant collector I have a desire to grow many rare and unusual plants. To my advantage I worked for 17 years in the nursery and garden industry as a professional horticultural salesperson with access to every available fertiliser on the market. Even with this at my disposal I still couldn't grow everything that I wanted to grow and had to give on many plants that weren't technically suited to my soil or climate. Garden Delight has answered my prayers. Having a rock mineral base to condition any soil and utilising composted vegetable matter instead of manures it offers a mineral and nutrient rich smorgasbord for each different plant species to tap in to as it requires. I can now grow beautiful vegetables, natives, roses, tropical and temperate species, all with one product. garden Delight doesn't force my plants to grow, it helps to create healthy, biologically and energetically active soils and nutrient-dense plants. It truly is a garden's delight.
I bought one bag of Garden Mate on special at my local nursery, the owner highly recommended it. Within 3 weeks of using it on a few of my plants they showed a huge difference. About 10 bags later my fruit trees all grew new thicker and greener shoots, my vegetables have grown beyond belief and I have not seen any signs of pests or disease.
Totally amazing stuff!! I don't use anything else, just Garden Mate and Garden Delight and my garden is thriving.
Crop Producer
Accelerate the break down of organic residue and return nutrients to the soil.
A simple to use product that will help promote your pastures growth.
A liquid N.P.K + Calcium. 1Lt concentrate makes up 200Lt ready to use.
Higher yields and higher oil bonuses for Sunflower crops resulted from using Earthlife's Soil Enhancement System. The soil is a lot more friable and easier to work.
Last season I had to water-up 3 times to establish cotton under conventional practices. Where I had applied ELM Plus, I only needed to water-up once. Am I convinced?...
Our Avocado trees have really performed since taking on board your Soil Enhancement System. The compounding effect has been the ability of soil moisture retention, hence the appearance of worms in the soil and the trees outgrowing the toxicity problem that existed. Uniformity in fruit size and a richer flavour of the fruit was very noticeable this picking season. We would whole-heartedly recommend your product to anyone wishing to improve their farming technique.
jul-1999 Earthlife's Soil Enhancement System has greatly improved the structure of my heavy, hard black soil blocks resulting in this being easier to work and being far more friable when wet. The other notable fact is the improved infiltration rate when irrigating. Jul-2000 Earthlife's products have changed my worst producing cotton block into the highest yielding block this year. Feb-2002 I'm amazed, 13t/ha of sorghum (5.26t/ac) during one of the hottest summers.
This is our third year since using Earthlife's Soil Enhancement System. Throughout this period we have witnessed excellent results such as: Better moisture retention, Noticeably increased earthworm activity, Much more consistent and increased CCS level, More consistent tonnes per acre over all soil types, and increasing. We have observed steady, solid improvement overall since using Earthlife's product range and certainly have no hesitation in recommending Earthlife's Soil Enhancement System.
Your sorghum crop recommendation has resulted in a short fallow achieving the same yield as the long fallow. In our opinion, far better use of stored soil moisture. Since double cropping into barley we have been surprised by the softness of the soil and the fact that there were no wheel tracks in the emerging crop.
Livestock Products
Accelerate the break down of organic residue and return nutrients to the soil.
A simple to use product that will help promote your pastures growth.
Trace minerals for your horse that may improve overall performance and health.
Trace minerals that may help with improved digestion and weight gain for all your ruminants.
Trace Minerals for your Cattle that may help with improved digestion and weight gain.
Usually takes 3 days to get over a run, since using TNN Mighty Min at 22ml per week he was good to go the next day and within 1/2 hour had relaxed and all muscle tenderness was gone.
I bought a 20Lt drum for the sake of trying, 1 month later I rang to order a 200Lt drum. It blew the other stuff out of the park! Cattle had shiner coasts, fatter and quieter. I sent a load of cattle to sale 850km and the few I had weighted to trial only lost 5% in body weight from farm to pay weight. I helped my neighbour send a load of cattle away they only went 420km and lost 8%. I have bought in 100% to Mighty Min. I don't need numbers and data to prove it, I can see and I believe it. That's what counts to me.
We have just completed a bicentennial national trail and our boys were on the minerals for about 1/2 this trip (5300km from Cooktown QLD to Healesville VIC). We noticed an increase in hair growth, they held their weight much more easily, and they seemed fillet. We also noticed some of the horses faces slimmed down. We believe they had big head and the minerals helped to remedy this aliment.
The Alpacas are so healthy on it. It's an absolute lifesaver and sure enough no more injections of selenium which they are probably rather pleased about.
I saw a difference within a week of applying Pasture Blend to my paddock, with grass thatching filling of the eroded areas very nicely, and the the grass growing faster than 2 horses could eat it. I have noticed a reduction in Blue Billy Goat Weed, I have not had to spray for it since, also Dung Beetle activity was up 90% from 10% since seasonal applications. With a low NPK and good levels of trace elements plus the soil microbes I have noticed it is building a Pasture that is more resistance to pests, higher in complex sugars, I didn't see the laminitic rings in the hooves when the rain started after our dry spell. I WOULD RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT TO ANYONE WHO HAS HORSES.
I recently finished strip grazing 130 dairy cows on 3 Hectares of Rye Grass which had been treated with ELM Plus and Pasture Blend. Surprisingly, it took 15 days for the cows to finish the paddock, it would usually only take 10 days. Even though the seasons have been very dry, the Rye Grass is returning quite well, even though I haven't irrigated it yet. The cows have moved on to a conventional treated Rye Grass paddock and the milk production has gone down.
Thank you Earthlife for your amazing support of our event the 3rd Annual Baroque & Distinctive Breeds Festival.Amazing company to deal with and super supportive of the industry.
These products have transformed my soil from sold, hard clay to dark worm filled garden ready and food ready soil. I am amazed I have to say. Just amazing.
5 star service &supplies,happy with a smile,cheers Jack, Rembay transport
I had tried many fertilizers and plant boosters. But the Garden Delight leaves them ALL for dead. I had never heard of this brand, but thought what have I to loose. I had very sad looking Camellia's. To my amazement 2 weeks after spreading this product around them, I had new growth. In 6 weeks, there was noticeable thickening. WOW! All my plants were healthier. Everything seems to love it, the grass, the trees, all my shurbs. The soil has worms and looks alot better. I have sand and clay. I love this product. The only down sides are, hard to find the larger bags and alittle pricey. But it's really is worth it in the long run.