

Earthlife Minerals Plus

A non-leachable, 100% natural Soil and Plant Conditioner containing plant available silica, minerals, trace elements and beneficial soil micro-flora.

Generally: promotes healthier, more robust root systems and stronger thicker stem growth (reduces lodging) on all plants. Provides organically complexed acids for enhanced cellular nutrition. Increases the utilisation of irrigation and rainfall more efficiently. Improves nutrient availability (including applied fertilisers) to the plant, even under harsh conditions.

Clay Soils: loosens all clay soils. Provides better moisture penetration, softer soil, improves nutrient availability and reduces the effects of waterlogging.

Sandy Soils: binds sand particles together in sandy soils, which reduces nutrient leaching and improves moisture availability.

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Pasture Blend

What is it? A conditioner and fertiliser for new or existing pasture, containing Nitrogen, Natural Phosphate, Potassium, Sulphate, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum, other trace elements, minerals, plant available silica and beneficial soil microbes.

What does it do?

Promotes a healthier, more robust root system and stronger thicker stem growth on all plants. This allows pastures to better withstand adverse conditions.

Provides a more palatable and nutritionally balanced pasture. Reduces sodium levels in the soil profile similar to the ability of Gypsum.

Increases the friability of the soil and adjusts pH similar to Lime.

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Lucerne Starter

A balanced blend containing minerals, microbes, N.P.K.S and trace elements that are known to assist in the establishment of Lucerne stands.

This allows for enhancing of stronger germination through improved seed – soil contact

Promotes stronger, ore robust root systems allowing better utilisation of applies irrigation and/or rainfall.

Increases seedling vigour due to the matched balance of nutrients to crop growth.

Reduces seedling stress.

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Lucerne Dressing

A special blend with all the elements that are known to assist in improving Lucerne productivity and resist disease.

Promotes stronger, more robust root systems whilst enhancing the utilisation of irrigation and rainfall more efficiently.

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Break Down Plus

Is a non toxic enzyme based product to accelerate the breakdown of dead plant material, such as crop stubble, compost heaps, plants or grasses that have been sprayed with a herbicide.

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We look forward to hearing about your Earth Life experience. Visit our contact page and tell us your story.

The results from spraying my Mung Bean crop with Bud Burst at flowering is more uniform and larger Pods. Each pod held up to 16 uniform seeds and were such a deep rich green colour that I was paid a premium price for them.

Leigh Jahnke, Four Winds, Oakey

Higher yields and higher oil bonuses for sunflower crops resulted from using Earthlife’s soil enhancement system. The soil is a lot more friable and easier to work.

Leigh Jahnke, Four Winds, Oakey

Your sorghum crop recommendation has resulted in a short fallow achieving the same yield as the long fallow. (In our opinion, far better use of stored soil moisture). Since double cropping into barley we have been surprised by the softness of the soil and the fact that there were no wheel tracks in the emerging crop.

Woongabeena, Dalby

The areas where I applied Earthlife’s soil enhancement system and then planted straight into are not showing any signs of stress (minimal – no yellowing) even though the crop has endured continued wet and water logged conditions for over 6 weeks.

Evan Horton, Tara

Since applying your Soil Enhancement System the increased water infiltration has been very noticeable. Even during the Jan – Feb heat wave our sorghum crop held on very well to yield 4.12 ton/ha.

Matt Devine, Roseleigh, Clifton

Your products have enabled my worst paddock that was hard to plough (2” deep) is now much easier to plough (4” – 6” deep, no worries). Crops are looking healthier and appear to handle stress a lot better.

Trevor Fritz, Homehill, Boodua

Jul-1999 Earthlife’s soil enhancement system has greatly improved the structure of my heavy, hard, black soil blocks resulting in them being easier to work and being far more friable when wet. The other notable fact is the improved infiltration rate when irrigating. Jul-2000 Earthlife products have changed my worst producing cotton block into the highest yielding block this year. Feb-2002 I’m amazed, 13 t/ha of sorghum (5.26 t/ac) during one of the hottest summers.

Nick Adamson, Ellerby, Leyburn


Plants use inorganic minerals for nutrition. Complex interactions involving weathering of rock minerals, decaying organic matter, animals, and microbes take place to form inorganic minerals in soil. Roots absorb mineral nutrients as ions in soil water. Many factors influence nutrient uptake for plants. Ions can be readily available to roots, or may be “tied up” by other elements, or the soil itself. Soil too high in pH (alkaline), or too low (acid) makes minerals unavailable to plants.


“Fertility” refers to the inherent capacity of a soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amounts and in suitable proportions. “Nutrition” refers to the interrelated steps by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and replacement of tissue. Previously, plant growth was thought of in terms of soil fertility, or how much fertiliser should be added to increase soil levels of mineral elements. Plant nutrition is a term that takes into account the interrelationships of mineral elements in the soil as well as their role in plant growth. This interrelationship involves a complex balance of mineral elements essential, or beneficial for optimum plant growth.


Three criteria must be met for an element to be considered essential. These criteria are: 1. A plant must be unable to complete its life cycle in the absence of the mineral element. 2. The function of the element must not be replaceable by another mineral element. 3. The element must be directly involved in plant metabolism. These criteria are important guidelines for plant nutrition, but exclude beneficial mineral elements that can compensate for toxic effects of other elements, or may replace mineral nutrients in some other less specific function such as the maintenance of osmotic pressure. The omission of beneficial nutrients in commercial production could mean that plants are not being grown to their optimum genetic potential but are merely produced at a subsistence level.


The Cation Exchange Capacity refers to the ability of the growing medium to hold exchangeable mineral elements within its structure. These cations include ammonium, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper.

pH: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? pH refers to the alkalinity or acidity of a growing media water solution, which consists of mineral elements dissolved in ionic form. The reaction of this solution will have a marked effect on the availability of mineral elements to plant roots. When there is a greater amount of hydrogen H+ ions, the solution will be acid (<7.0). If there are more hydroxyl OH- ions, the solution will be alkaline (>7.0). A balance of hydrogen to hydroxyl ions yields a pH neutral soil (=7.0). The range for most crops is 5.5 to 6.2 or slightly acidic. This creates the greatest average level for availability for all essential plant nutrients. Extreme fluctuations of pH can cause deficiency or toxicity of nutrients.

Trial Results

Increase Lucerne Yields with Bud Burst

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Chloride Comparison

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pH Comparison

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Relative Water Holding Capacity of ELM PLUS

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Sodium Reduction

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Sodium Comparison

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The Effect of Bud Burst on Plant Cane Sets

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Establish the effect if any of Bud Burst of Shirtan on Sugar Cane

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Effect of Earthlife Minerals Plus on Sugar Cane

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Increase Lucerne Production

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Bud Burst for Peanuts and Mung Beans

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